Creative Arts Therapy Gone Virtual!

Due to the pandemic, CAA was one of the many organizations that transitioned their programs into a virtual format using Zoom and other video-chatting programs.

This was difficult for many families as Creative Arts Therapy originally is very hands-on and in person activity. However, many families also came to appreciate being able to see the session happen live. Here we have Joyce, one of the parents of a participant in the Creative Arts Therapy Program, share her experience with going virtual. 

There have been many surprises for me and my children after joining the virtual creative arts therapy program. At the beginning, both of my children were easily distracted and needed several breaks within the 45-minute session, but after just a few sessions they became able to focus and engage throughout the whole session! I can tell both Joanna and Jasmine do their best to plan for the sessions and they also have great skills to communicate with my children. I have learned a lot through the virtual therapy sessions as I accompany my children and make music and art with them. I’ve learned different techniques and skills from the teachers that have inspired me with new ideas to engage with my children after the sessions. I would recommend other families to the virtual creative arts therapy program. Rather than letting your children play with their iPad/ iPhone by themselves at home, why not try out the virtual program with your children to learn and build relationships together?"

-Joyce Lin, Program Parent

Joanna Tan