Developing Communication Skills through the Creative Arts

Jack has been involved in CAA’s Creative Arts Program for three years! His current music therapist, Jenna Smith, uses music to help Jack express and explore difficult emotions he experiences during the week. She writes, “By playing the ukulele and singing, he learns and practices positive tools for self-expression!”

Jack’s mom has noticed Jack’s progress since he joined the Creative Arts Program as well. She writes:

“Joining the Virtual Creative Arts Program has given me a chance to see how Jack interacts with his therapist and his friends in sessions. Since joining the Virtual Creative Arts Program, Jack has become more willing to share his feelings with others and has made progress with his verbal communication skills. He has also become more open expressing himself in front of others - he used to practice his instruments alone in his room, but he now feels comfortable practicing in front of me anywhere in the house. Virtual sessions have also taught Jack responsibility. He has learned to be prepared for the sessions without my reminder and will set an alarm to keep track of time, fill up his water bottle, and use the restroom prior to the session. The virtual program also saves us time commuting, so Jack and I have more time to do other activities together after his sessions.”

-Angela Wu, Program Parent

It is amazing to hear how far Jack has come along at CAA. Although the Creative Arts Program had to transition to online sessions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is so encouraging to hear that Jack was able to build confidence and responsibility! We look forward to hearing more of Jack’s experience at CAA!

Joanna Tan